Academy News

By the Grace of God, the staff and children at both Academies have stayed relatively healthy and free from COVID.  The Academies have periodically suspended in person learning but are currently meeting again.  Please keep them in your prayers and pray they get access to the vaccinations.  Construction of the…

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Donation News

100% of all donations will go towards helping the children in India and expanding the educational facilities; no administrative costs or fees are deducted. Below are ways to donate.    – Via credit/debit card or PayPal; click on the “Donate†button.    – Send a personal check or through your…

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Board of Director News

Good news! The existing Board of Directors for The NICCE Foundation has unanimously voted to add Heather Kong and Jon Crater to join our Board of Director’s team!  Both have been generous financial and prayer supporters of the NICCE Foundation.  Welcome aboard to our new NICCE Directors! Thank you both…

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