Build for Hope. Build for Love.

A green map of india with the words north india christian children 's education foundation underneath.
A group of children posing for the camera.


The North India Christian Children’s Education (NICCE) Foundation is a nonprofit corporation aimed at improving the lives of North Indian children and the families that love them.

Our goal is to financially support the construction and operation of Christian children’s homes and schools in the rural villages of North India, allowing children to receive a proper education while still remaining close to their families. Why should a parent have to choose between their child’s education and keeping their family together?

The NICCE Foundation has a solution and together, we can build hope.

Laura's Story (Founder of the NICCE Foundation)

I traveled to Southern India in August of 2008 wondering what God could possibly have in store for me and how He would use me to do His will in the lives of the 140 children that I worked with at the Precious Children’s Home. Instead, when I left India 8 months later, I was baffled at how much I learned from the children that I had come to love as my own brothers and sisters.

Most of the children that I worked with were not orphans but had families that loved them in rural villages like those of North India. In fact, these parents loved their children so much that they made the difficult decision to send them thousands of miles away so that they could be educated in a Christian environment, an option that is not found in North India.

These children are only able to see their families once a year, for only a month’s time. Can you imagine saying goodbye to your child, knowing that you would not see them again for another year? Can you imagine sacrificing your desires so that they can have a brighter future...so that they can know Jesus?

Why isn’t anyone doing anything about this? Why isn’t anyone helping?

Once I returned to the United States, I established the NICCE Foundation in the fall of 2009 and it’s dedicated to bringing hope to these families. We want to bring an affordable Christian education to these children so that they don’t have to leave their families.

Will you help us?

The NICCE Foundation is a 501(c) (3) organization

100% of donations go directly to building and running children’s homes, schools, or to sponsoring children as specified by the donor. We are able to honor this commitment to give 100% of all donations since our Board of Directors fund all administrative costs.

Christian-based schools are desperately needed in this region:
- Current schools are not adequate; poorly run with modest educational benefits.
- Students have little chance to escape poverty, hear the word of God, better themselves, or have a bright future.

Two School Academies supported by NICCE
Total Capacity:  100 – 125 Students for each Academy
Drawn from surrounding villages
Grades Range from K to 10.  School Year: Mar - Dec

Many Indian schools in the North East are not adequate; poorly run with modest educational benefits. Students have little chance to escape poverty, hear the word of God, better themselves, or have a bright future. The NICCE Foundation allows the poorest children to be educated while allowing them to grow in their relationship with Christ and still remain close to their families.

Many of the neighboring villages are made up of Hindu families. These families are also struggling to educate their children and are desperate to find an affordable option. Not only will we be able to offer an education for neighboring village children, but an introduction to a life with Jesus. We are very excited about the outreach potentials that this mission has to offer for the neighboring Hindu villages and families.

Blessing Academy (Yeasom Village, India)

  • Land donated & cleared: Fall 2009
  • School construction: 2010 & early 2011
  • Children's home, phase 1 & 2: 2012 & 2013
  • Teacher's quarters, phase 1: 2016
  • Water tank: 2017
  • 2 new classrooms added: 2021
  • Children's home expanded - December 2022
  • 125+ students currently enrolled; Grades K through 10
  • 52 students sponsored at $40/mo

Grace Academy (West Bengal, India)

  • Site visit and meet villagers: October 2016
  • Land donated: January 2018
  • 1st Floor of Grace Academy completed: Summer 2019
  • Children’s Home completed to house Tea Garden Children: March 2020
  • 2nd Floor of Grace Academy completed: early 2023

Blessing Academy (Yeasom Village, India)

  • School expansion; school is very popular
    • construct 2 additional classrooms
    • Teacher's Quarters; phase 2
  • Sponsorships for remaining students

Grace Academy (West Bengal, India)

  • 2022: 15 additional child sponsors ($40/mo); allows children from Tea Garden to attend School
  • Expand Children's Home to house more children from the Tea Garden

Poorest and most vulnerable to child trafficking. Grace Academy will educate and house them in a safe Christian environment. 30+ children from the tea garden have moved into the children’s home and they desperately need your sponsorship.

Blessing Academy is located in Yeasom Village in the State of Manipur, India.  

Grace Academy is located in the northern State of West Bengal, India.

The families in both areas survive by performing small jobs, like farming crops or rice, or taking construction or seamstress work.  Families are usually large and struggle to educate their children.  Children normally end up working in order to support the family rather than going to school.  Many children are not educated past middle school level, if they are fortunate enough to get to that point.

Blessings Academy:

The NICCE Foundation partners with the North East India Children's (NEIC) Ministry.  Our on-site supervisor/administrator is Rev. Jamishon Shimphrui, who is a graduate of the India Baptist Theological Seminary, and the President of NEIC.

Grace Academy:

The NICCE Foundation's on-site supervisor/administrator is Rev. Amit Narjinary.  He is also a graduate of the India Baptist Theological Seminary.

For a small gift of $40 a month, you can be a voice of hope in the life of a child who needs you. But most importantly, you will be giving a child the message that God loves them and has a unique purpose for their lives.

Through child sponsorship, two lives are changed forever; yours and the life of your sponsored child’s. When you sponsor a child, you will be linked with that particular child. They will know your name, write to you, and treasure the thought that you care about them. You’ll see the multiple ways your kindness makes a difference for a precious child whom you will grow to love.

Your tax-deductible contribution of just $40 a month provides:

  • school uniforms
  • educational textbooks and supplies
  • nourishing meals
  • medical care and other items for their
  • personal well-being
  • assistance with staff salaries
  • building/ground maintenance
A group of people sitting around each other.

“Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.”
Matthew 25:40

ESTABLISHED: Fall of 2009
MISSION: Dedicated to promoting the betterment of children in Northern India through education, religious awareness, housing assistance, and service opportunities.

PURPOSE: Assist in the construction and operation of Christian children’s schools, homes, and the buildings associated with them through financial aid, informational materials, encouragement, and child sponsorships. Children’s schools and homes associated with the NICCE Foundation are based on Christian morals and standards.

GOAL: Children are taught the importance of prayer, worship, and devotion. They are counseled in the ways of Christ and raised in a Christian manner, learning how to share their faith daily so that they can truly make an impact as Godly adults in a secular world. The hope is that every child will use their love of the Lord to fulfill their God-given potential.